How to be Sherlock Holmes

How to be Sherlock Holmes - Forum Teatro

One warm night, Scheherazade, the vizier’s daughter, begins to narrate for the great Sultan, one of the most intense stories from the legendary book A Thousand and One Nights. Hand in hand with this ingenious storyteller, the Sultan learns of Sinbad, a simple sailor, who, over seven unforgettable sea journeys, has encounters with all kinds of mythological beings. Sinbad the Sailor is a brave and risky guy whose tenacity allows him to get what he most craves: a better future for himself and his family. But Sinbad must learn to be gentle, kind and modest. The adventures of this amazing marine introduce us to a world where reality and fiction mingle, and where the narrative captivates us, just as it did with the great Sultan. To help her tell the story, the beautiful Scheherezade makes use of all kinds of costumes and props, as well as songs which allow her to add a magic twist to the story.

Compañía de teatro en inglés Forum Teatro


Forum The Company

Director artístico de Forum Teatro

Artistic direction

Eduard Costa

Nivel educativo para las obras de Forum Teatro


Cuarto de la ESO, Bachiller,
Escuela de Idiomas y Grado Superior FP

Duración de las obras de teatro de Forum Teatro


approximately 60 minutes (interactive function)

Aforo de la obra de Forum Teatro

Seating capacity

250 maximum recommended

Idioma de las obras de Forum Teatro



Actores en inglés en Forum Teatro


Native English speaking actors

Montaje del escenario para las obras de Forum Teatro


Assembly done by the company. We include a technician/assistant

Espacio necesario para las obras de Forum Teatro

Stage space

6 meters wide
5 meters deep
2’40 meters high

Personal técnico de Forum Teatro

Sound requirements

(Personal equipment) CD player
2 female Canon connections for two Senheisser microphones

Iluminación necesaria para las obras de Forum Teatro

Lighting requirements

General fixed white light
Warm atmosphere (optional)

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