A bit lost

A bit lost - Forum Teatro
Today is a great day for Becky because it is her birthday. For that reason she is going to make a big party for all her friends in her garden. She has to prepare everything: the cake, the drinks, the candles, the decoration, the games… She wants everything to be perfect. But… Uh-oh! Before the party begins and the guests arrive, there is a little problem. Did I say “little”? Rather it is a big problem: a little owl has fallen from the nest and he can’t fly yet.

Becky doesn’t know what to do, since the little owl doesn’t stop crying and wants to go back with his mom. What to do? Nothing better than the help of the rest of the animals who live in the garden: a lively and funny squirrel, a prudent and calm worm… and a few surprises.

Will Becky finally rejoin the little owl with his mom? If you help us, he is sure to be safe.

Compañía de teatro en inglés Forum Teatro


Forum ABC Company

Director artístico de Forum Teatro

Artistic direction

Eduard Costa

Nivel educativo para las obras de Forum Teatro


Infantil y Primer

ciclo de Primaria

Duración de las obras de teatro de Forum Teatro


approximately 45 minutes (interactive function)

Aforo de la obra de Forum Teatro

Seating capacity

150 maximum recommended

Idioma de las obras de Forum Teatro



Actores en inglés en Forum Teatro


Native English speaking actors

Montaje del escenario para las obras de Forum Teatro


Assembly done by the company. We include a technician/assistant

Espacio necesario para las obras de Forum Teatro

Stage space

6 meters wide
5 meters deep
2’40 meters high

Personal técnico de Forum Teatro

Sound requirements

(Personal equipment) CD player
2 female Canon connections for two Senheisser microphones

Iluminación necesaria para las obras de Forum Teatro

Lighting requirements

General fixed white light
Warm atmosphere (optional)

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